- Compact house on existing lot in south Sandpoint
- Site area - 8255 sf
- House Area - 1460sf (outside wall not including porches)
- Heated Area - 1290 sf (inside wall)
- Above code insulation and air sealing design
- R70 plus ceiling
- R 24 wall - R30 thermal
- R-20 slab insulation
- R-48 Framed gable end walls
- Solar gain glazing - U-0.31
- Non south windows - U-0.24
- Air Changes per Hour - 1.2 @ 50 PAL
- Passive House air sealing tapes, barriers and sealants
- Materials obtained from Small Planet Workshop
- High thermal mass interior building systems
- Faswall recycled ICF exterior wall system - made from recycled wood shipping pallets
- Insulated concrete radiant heated slab on grade floor thru-out house
- Solar Orientation and Natural Cooling massing
- Interior thermal mass and southern windows help naturally heat house in winter
- Interior thermal mass and high window ventilate the interior, cooling the house during summer
- Southern window overhangs block summer sun from entering house during summer
- Daylighting with multi-walled window placement
- Durable exterior finishes - cement stucco and wood like stained cement-fiber siding
- Durable and low VOC interior material selection
- Multi-functions open space plan with efficient plans storage and workcenters
- Low energy LED and T5 lighting
- Energy Star Appliances
- 'Rain Water Garden' storm water management native plant landscape design